Pure Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love 080118

Early morning of 8th Jan 2018, a dream happened that a human body wearing checkered pants and coat (like a Scarecrow) was flung high over the edge of a Giant Gorge and it fell deep into it. It had a soft landing as it fell into the narrow river in the bottom of the Gorge. It did not die but it was damaged.

Woke up with a start and the revelation was that this was our Ego that was discarded, not completely, because it did not die but was damaged. Implying that it is not easy to discard our Ego fully!

What is left behind by the Ego that departs is ‘Pure Unconditional Love for everyone and everything in the Universe

Only when we uncover the limitless Brahma, Allah, Christ or Super-Consciousness (veiled by our Self Identity or Ego) within us that we can exude unlimited Energy, Peace and Unconditional Love. – The Totality 280120

We know we have achieved True and Pure Forgiveness when it blossoms into unconditional Love and Acceptance of the other person as he/she is now, allowing the other person to have totally different opinions from our opinions. Practically, we have to be like Allah, Christ or Bhagwan. Impossible to achieve but a brilliant goal to target. – The Universe 210421 *

Stress free Living

Stressed man Massage ID-10076399 090817

We know it may be impossible for most of us to live a stress free life but let us try and identify the points of stress we can avoid and see if our health and life improves because of the new way of living!

  • avoid having strong desires and expectations from others. Instead be aware and fully accept the present moment as it unfolds even if it does not meet any of our desires or expectations, or likes and dislikes or our beliefs.
  • have very flexible goals which can be revised or dropped based on the inputs from the present moments.
  • become aware of our programming that is ever present in our subconscious, which auto pilots our life and many times in an unhappy and stressful way!
  • become aware that our perceived threats are numerous whereas real threats are very few. So, frequently we are stressing ourselves unnecessarily. Let our stress wait for the appearance of real threats!
  • be aware that our Ego has the capability to think and act but what will happen in the future is not in the control of our Ego. It is determined by the myriad of enormous forces of The Totality acting at that specific moment. Our Ego has absolutely no awareness, knowledge or control over these huge forces!
  • Be aware that our Ego chooses to be unhappy by not accepting, gracefully and fully, our life as it unfolds every moment. However, we can take the help of our Intellect and choose to be happy all the time by fully accepting life as it unfolding!

In our physical world the three dimensions, length, breadth and width, cause us little or no stress. But the fourth dimension, Time, causes most of our stress. We all are living our lives meeting either internally imposed or externally imposed time schedules. Trying to meet these schedules causes stress as well as fear. If we were to live life focussing on the task or goal and letting Divinity or God determine the time required for completion of the task or achievement of the goal, we will live our life fully and cheerfully without any stress or fear. – The Totality 190119

We are stressed only when we do not accept our life situations as they unravel every moment and when we do not accept other people’s behaviour. Acceptance is the essence of stress free living – emanated from the Cosmos 160520


Image courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Divinity, Super-consciousness, Totality, Emptiness, Fullness, where art Thou?

Divinity, Super-consciousness, Totality, Emptiness, Fullness or Limitless Divine Wisdom, where are you?


It is very simple to detect Divinity because it is everywhere in our Universe! It is also within each one of us. The way to detect it is to be peaceful and happy in the present moment and this leads to awareness of the Divinity within, as well as outside our body. Unfortunately most of us live our complete life remaining unaware of it’s existence despite the fact that Divinity is our very own self too!

There is another way to detect Divinity or Totality. That is, to look for happenings that are occurring or happened without the help of our own Ego. For example, our life which happened much before our Ego was formed; our body’s breathing, blood circulation, organs activity to support the life. The Flora and Fauna on this beautiful planet, our Solar system, milky way, galaxies and the whole Universe, which had nothing to do with our Ego, are all one with Divinity or Totality.

As per Wikipedia Encyclopedia definition, Divinity is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, or spirit beings, and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy.

Every child is born divine and divinity is resident within its Intellect and every cell of its body. Incidentally, our Intellect is not located only in our brain at the top of our head but also in every cell of our body!

Divinity or Divine Wisdom manifests in us as a deep inner peace! In children, the divinity shows in their transparency, in the sparkle of their eyes, in their cheerful faces, in their smiles, in their laughter, in their love, in their touch,  in every action they do!

As we grow up, due to unconscious parenting and social norms and pressures this awareness of our divinity disappears and gets replaced by the rapid building up of our Ego within our Intellect! Our very own Ego is responsible for replacing the deep Peace of Divinity within us with negative emotions like fear, anxiety, worry, jealousy, anger, hate etc. The initial resident of our Intellect, divinity gets totally covered by the newly formed Ego!

It is truly sad, as this has resulted in us humans, becoming overly self centered, coveting numerous and unending possessions at any cost, fighting with each other, destroying other persons inner peace, external wealth and success! Humans have successfully managed to convert this divine earth that we are inhabiting into a living hell, with tensions, fights, wars as well as excessive consumption from and destruction of our precious earth!

Can we reverse this unholy trend? Can each one of us become aware of our divinity once again? The answer is a firm yes!!

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Look around us and we can detect divinity in the life in and around us, in the air, breeze, flowers, plants, trees, birds, insects, animals and in the stones, pebbles, hills, mountains, ponds, oceans, rain, snow, rainbows, clouds, sun, moon, stars, and virtually in everything that is in and on our beloved  and beautiful Earth and in our Universe! Breathe deeply often to completely refill our body and Intellect with this divinity that is everywhere!

Sadly, we might not detect divinity in our own behaviour and in the behaviour of most of the humans despite the fact that we, humans, are also truly divine!

So, divinity is everywhere! To begin with become aware of it! Then with the help of Meditation as detailed in an earlier post of this blog or Brahmavidya http://www.brahmavidya.net, uncover the divinity within our own self! Then, watch the difference in our life! We have actually uncovered Heaven on Earth and our own life becomes very meaningful, purposeful and joyous!

So, always remain aware that we are divine as we are a creation of the supernatural powers! We are then living our life fully!

Further, the present moment situation for each one of us is an instantaneous and not a predetermined creation of Divinity-The Limitless Divine Wisdom. Although, very often we think and feel that our Ego with its limited knowledge, has created this favourable, happy, wonderful or beautiful situation for us; this is just an illusion. It can be that our Ego attracted this present moment situation but without the overwhelming help of Divinity the situation could not have happened! Numerous Divine forces beyond the control of any individual are required to create any situation!

It can also be a mere coincidence; what our Ego desired is what the Divinity has created for us! So, viewing every present moment situation as a creation of Divinity, we will accept it gracefully and peacefully, even if it is unfavourable, remaining blissful to participate fully in the next moment!

Relevant Excerpts from ‘The Biology of Belief’ by Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

  • The Universe is still thought of as One by the small number of aborigines who survive. Aboriginal cultures do not make the usual distinctions among rocks, air, and humans; all are imbued with spirit, the invisible energy. Doesn’t this sound familiar? This is the world of quantum physics, in which matter and energy are completely entangled.
  • When science turned away from Spirit, its mission dramatically changed. Instead of trying to understand the “natural order” so that human beings can live in harmony with that order, modern science embarked on a goal of control and domination of nature….The modern world has shifted from spiritual aspirations to a war for material accumulation.
  • Every protein in our bodies is a physical/electromagnetic complement to something in the environment. Because we are machines made out of protein, by definition we are made in the image of the environment, that environment being the Universe, or to many, God…. We were designed by nature to fit an environment but not the environment we are now making.
  • Each cell’s unique set of identity receptors are located on the membrane’s outer surface, where they act as “antennas”, downloading complementary environmental signals. These identity receptors need a signal of “self” which does not exist within the cell but comes to it from the external environment… The cell’s receptors are not the source of its identity but the vehicle by which the “self” is downloaded from the environment.
  • Because the environment represents “All That Is” (God) and our self receptor antennas download only a narrow band of the whole spectrum, we all represent a small part of the whole…a small part of God.
  • In the course of our lives, what we do alters the environment. We change the environment simply by being here.
  • In nature, most organic and inorganic structures display more irregular and chaotic appearing patterns. These natural images can only be created by using the recently discovered mathematics called fractal geometry….Fractal geometry emphasises the relationship between patterns in a whole structure and the patterns seen in the parts of a structure. *050917
  • Despite our modern angst and the seeming chaos of our world, there is order in nature, and there is nothing truly new under the sun.* 050917
  • Imagine a population of trillions of individuals living under one roof in a state of perpetual happiness, Such a community exists–it is called the healthy human body. * 050917
  • There are six billion human versions of reality on this planet, each perceiving its own truth.* 050917
  • Those pressures led to a new and glorious era in evolution, in which single cells joined together in altruistic multicellular communities. The end result was humans, at or near the top of the evolutionary ladder.* 050917
  • The members of that enlightened community will recognise that we are made in the image of our environment, i.e., that we are divine, and that we have to operate, not in a survival of the fittest manner, but in a way that supports everyone and everything on this planet.* 050917
  • In those days I didn’t fully realise the crucial role the subconscious mind plays in the change process. Instead, I relied mostly on trying to power through negative behaviour using positive thinking and willpower. I knew, though, that I had had only limited success an making personal changes in my own life.  050917
  • Rob (Williams, psychotherapist) stated that PSYCH-K can change long-standing, limiting beliefs in a matter of minutes.* 050917
  • I have seen other people rapidly improve their self-esteem and change their relationships, their finances, and their health using PSYCH-K.* 050917
  • I use PSYCH-K in my own life. PSYCH-K has helped me undo my self-limiting beliefs, including the one about not being able to finish my book.* 050917

Our conditioning since childhood is to be afraid of the future. So, we mostly imagine negative situations in the future, making us fearful, anxious, worried, tense, angry, hateful, etc.. Whereas, when we are in the present moment and aware of our Divinity or Totality, we exude peace, unconditional love and happiness– The Divinity

When we are busy thinking, or are afraid, sad, unhappy or depressed we block out our intuition or messages from Divinity/Totality which can help us to live life fully and in a Divine manner. When we are peacefully in the present moment, we are once again one with the Divinity or Totality and our life is full of meaning and purpose!- The Divinity 

Our Ego disturbs our Intellect, preventing it from clear thinking and resolution of difficult situations. It also causes health problems for our body. Fortunately, we all have a very powerful  healing balm within us and all around us. It is The Totality, Divinity or our True Self, which can restore clear thinking of our Intellect as well as good health of our body – The Divinity

Totality or Divinity offers unlimited possibilities whereas our Ego offers very limited possibilities as it has a tunnel vision based on it’s limited knowledge and experience as well as all it’s likes, dislikes and beliefs – The Totality

Our Ego has fully dissolved into the universe of Totality when we are always smiling, internally and externally, as the present moments unfold – The Totality

Totality, which is our True Self along with the present situation, is perfect despite comments to the contrary by our own Ego -The Totality

When we can blend our own self completely with The Totality, which is the present moment, then we live life peacefully and fully – The Totality

Totality creates our pure, unconditioned Intellect and our youthful body. Conditioning by parents and others helps our Intellect to creates its unique Ego, a limited state and a state of separateness! In order to integrate once again with The Totality we need to access our pure and unconditioned Intellect which has been covered or veiled by our Ego – The Totality 

Awareness and awakening builds a solid trust in our Oneness with The Totality, resulting in full acceptance of The Totality as it is now – The Totality

Our unconditioned Intellect is Totality – The Totality *

Totality manifested as ‘Unconditioned Intellect’ is awareness. In awareness, we can see the emptiness, feel the lightness and peace as well as hear the sound ‘Om’ of The Totality. To begin with, we can keep our eyes closed to have this awareness. On the flip side of The Totality is our Ego, which is unawareness and it keeps us in an illusion of isolation and separateness from The Totality. – The Totality

Anything can happen at any moment in The Totality, regardless of our Ego’s classification of it as good or bad – The Totality

The only road block to re-merging with The Totality is our Ego. By becoming aware and understanding our Ego and it’s characteristics and limitations, we can be free of our Ego and become Totality once again and live life fully – The Totality

Totality is Bliss and the expression of Bliss is a Smile – The Totality *

When our Ego responds instead of reacting, then it has blended with The Totality, the present moment, like a wave has blended with the ocean – The Totality

Our Ego is like a solid armour that locks us in, isolated from The Totality that is everywhere! Fortunately, the Tranquility within us allows us to become free and once again merge with The Totality, our True Self. – The Totality

The whole Creation, including our Ego, is an Illusion in our Intellect! In deep sleep, the whole Creation vanishes! What remains is The Totality, our True or Real Self!- The Totality

When we experience and understand that our life is not in our (Ego’s) control but in the control of The Totality, only then we start living our life fully  – The Totality

When we are fully in the present moment transcending our present moment situations then We Truly Are The Totality – The Totality *

Totality is a Zero state or a state of total Emptiness; but it has unlimited capacity to form illusions of forms, creations and situations – The Totality *

We can experience our True Identity, which is Emptiness, Totality or Divinity,  only now in the present moment – The Totality

Emptiness (Totality or Divinity) is The Creator as well as The Creation. This is knowing, which is beyond logic and reason – The Totality

When our Intellect is in the now, it automatically gets reconnected to The Totality or Bliss. When our Intellect is in the illusions of the past or present, it is in the Ego state. Then our Intellect is disconnected from the Totality and is fully involved in the illusions of the past and the future, causing us immense and unnecessary suffering! – The Totality

In Totality only now, the present moment, exists and life is blissful! Due to our lack of awareness, our Ego overpowers our Intellect and keeps us in the  illusions of the past and future, unnecessarily causing anxiety, fear, stress and suffering within us. – The Totality

We can be aware of our Divinity only when our Intellect is in the present moment. Most of the humanity misses this awareness or the Truth as the Intellect has been conditioned by parents and society to remain either in the past or in the future. – The Totality

Being Divine is as simple as learning the first three alphabets of any language! Our Intellect is to be in the present moment, fully cleansed from our past or the future. – The Totality

It really does not matter what anybody does because Divinity is the only cause of everything that is happening. Situations in the present moments are not the doings of anyone’s or any collective Egos! – The Totality *

When our Intellect is totally peaceful, we are once again a Divine Being and when we are reactive, our Intellect has been overwhelmed by our Ego – The Totality *

We are out of sync with The Totality when we, our Egos, react. We are in sync with The Totality when we are using our Intellect to peacefully respond in the now to our internal and external situations. That, knowing and doing, is being Spiritual!- The Totality

The Totality, comprising of numerous Universal Forces, is dynamic and continuously changing every moment. So, it is impossible for either our Ego or our Intellect to predict or control what is going to happen in the next moment, let alone predicting and controlling the short term or long term future! – The Totality

Whenever our Ego dissolves we become one with The Totality; we become one with everyone, everything and the environment! – The Totality* 220617

Totality makes everything happen, not our Ego! – The Totality * 280617

Totality is far more than trillion, trillion, trillion times stronger and more powerful than our Ego! –The Totality * 050717

The Universe is one indivisible, dynamic whole in which energy and matter are so deeply entangled it is impossible to consider them as independent elements. – Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. * 100717

Become aware of what The Totality is doing every minute and everyday in our life. We have to regularly ask our own self if the situation in the present moment is happening because of our Ego or is it because of The Totality? –The Totality  190717

When we are fully rooted in the present, only then we are The Spirit or The Totality,  conscious and capable of creating miracles! When we are in past or future, we are the Ego and only capable of getting a bigger car, a bigger house, having more power or wealth – The Totality  120917

Our Intellect is an infinite expanse of emptiness if we unload it of the garbage accumulated by our Ego! – The Totality * 061017

With our eyes closed, be in the present moment and meditate to discover the infinite peace or Superconsciousness within and outside our body. Then as often as we like, we may offer all the desires of our Ego to the Superconsciousness, which alone is responsible for fulfillment or non fulfillment of each of our desires. In doing so, we are trusting the Superconsciousness to take care of us, as well as, we are unloading the heavy load of desires we all are constantly carrying within our Intellect, freeing us to live a happy and full life! – The Totality  281017

Most of us are completely filled with our Ego and are therefore motivated and driven solely by the energy of our Ego. Unfortunately, this energy is self centered and very limited. We can empty ourselves of this limited and self centered Ego energy by being in the present and meditating. Having emptied ourself of our Ego, the Unlimited Universal Energy starts automatically flowing into us and becomes the driving force for our thoughts and activities! This leads us to a very meaningful and happy life. – The Totality  181117

Everything is a manifestation of The Superconsciousness including the human body and Intellect. However, the thoughts, emotions, feelings, prejudices, and activities of the human body emanate from the Subconsciousness Mind and it’s programming of beliefs and limitations. As the beliefs become limitless due to awareness and understanding, the human body and Intellect achieve perfection, which is oneness with The Superconsciousness, our source. – The Totality  110118

Superconsciousness is limitless, complete and perfect. Superconsciousness superimposed with desires and prejudices is the Conscious Mind (Ego) and Superconsciousness superimposed with limitations is the Subconscious Mind (also Ego). – The Totality * 160118 

Man is all pervading Spirit. Not a body confined to a point in Space, but the vast soul, which the Ego in the most barbaric modes conspires in vain to cramp.- Paramhansa Yogananda in his book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ * 190118

The whole Universe is within our manifested body, including Heaven and Hell!  We are in Heaven when our Intellect is in the Superconsciousness state and in Hell, when our Intellect is in the Ego state! – The Totality  150218

When you see and feel you are everywhere and in everyone and everything then your ego has re-merged itself into it’s source, The Superconsciousness! –The Totality * 290318

We are truly divine when our Intellect is empty and we are the Ego when our Intellect is filled with thoughts, analysis, prejudices and desires! – The Totality * 240518

I am happy not because I am wealthy, respected or healthy but because I am aware that I am The Divinity/The Emptiness – The Totality * 250618

This whole Universe and our life is a projection on the screen of the Emptiness or Divinity, which is the only truth – The Totality * 040718

We are all Divine within! The Universal Divinity is projecting the Universe, the external world and our life. All these projections disappear when we are in deep sleep and we remain in our true reality, which is pure Divinity – The Totality * 050718

When our Intellect thinks it is Somebody, it becomes limited and unhappy. When we step out into the Emptiness or Divinity, we become limitless and happy! – The Totality * 080718

Divinity is free of desires. It is the background on which the evolution of created Universe takes place automatically without prior planning. The evolution, taking place every moment, stems out of the Universal forces present in that moment. –The Totality * 010818

In the Spiritual Essence there is only peace and steadiness, no change. In the physical world there are continuous changes which leads to anxiety and fear as our Ego has not been programmed to accept changes without discomfort. – The Totality 090818

Our physical world is a flux within our Spiritual or Divine Essence! Therefore, our awareness can seamlessly and effortlessly move from our physical world into our Spiritual Essence. – The Totality * 110818

The all powerful Divinity can make anything happen in our physical world regardless of it being classified by our Ego as being impossible, illogical or unreasonable! – The Totality * 020918

We were Divine before birth, we are Divine now and we will remain Divine after death – The Totality * 011218

A Divine person (like Buddha) is a perfect human being -The Totality * 170119

I realised that we’re all tied down by our thoughts and limitations. When you surrender and stand in front of the vastness – you know that you’re a small part of a large universe. When you understand that, any trace of arrogance you have in you melts and then life truly begins.- attributed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi 020219

Our fear and other stressor levels are inversely proportional to our faith and trust in the Divine Forces (God); the stronger the faith and trust, the lower the stressor levels. Lower stressor levels allow us to live life fully and happily every moment. – The Totality 211019

Divinity is everywhere and it is the creator of our life’s situations. Our illusion of Self Identity (Ego), which is residing in our subconscious, unnecessarily creates an illusion of problems of our life’s Divine situations. – The Totality 251119

We are fortunate to have received a chance to live this Divine life. So, let us live enthusiastically immersed in Divinity and shake of the life’s ups and downs like a Duck shakes of the water on it’s back! – Inspiration from Divinity 290322 *

This tiny Ego is sorry for commenting and interfering with your smooth Divine flow, this tiny Ego asks for forgiveness, this tiny Ego loves you, Divinity and thanks you for all that is happening in every moment – adapted from the teachings of Dr. Hew Len 080522

Problems are memories replaying. Memories are programs. They aren’t just yours. They are shared. The way to release the memory is to send love to the Divinity. Divinity hears and responds, but in a way best for all, at the time right for all. You choose but you don’t decide. Divinity decides. – Dr. Hew Len in Joe Vitale’s book ‘zero-limits’ 090522

When you know and feel that you are truly The All Powerful Divinity and not just your tiny Ego, then you rise above Bliss, Happiness, Joy, Sadness, Regret, Anger, Fear etc.; you rise above all the positive and negative emotions and feelings which are all an integral part of our Ego!  – The Divinity 190622

When our Intellect becomes aware, it  begins to love and respect the All Powerful, the All Pervading Divinity which is everywhere as well as within every cell of our intellect, mind and body. This Aware Intellect does not blindly follow the Ego that it has created based on it’s life experiences and acquired knowledge. The Aware Intellect accepts and tolerates it’s Ego and questions it well before acting as per it’s directions. This Aware Intellect knows that this self created Ego has very limited experience and knowledge and is often incorrect in it’s knowledge, decisions and resultant actions. Furthermore, Egos are very insignificant in their capabilities as compared to the All Powerful Divinity that is making situations happen  from moment to moment for each one of us. – The Divinity 010822

At conception we emerge from the Universal Divinity. We continue to remain Divine in our embodied state and then dissolve into Divinity when our body dies. Divinity is a state of infinite peace and infinite power.

Regretfully, most of us remain unaware of our Divinity while we are alive and living. This is so, because a weed, called Ego, starts sprouting in our Intellect and it veils our Divine state from our Intellect. This weed, the Ego, is never complete. It is constantly seeking, struggling and suffering often.  

Fortunately, we all can become aware of our Divine state even when we are alive. It can be achieved by remaining calm, peaceful and regularly meditating to soften our Ego. Then our true, Infinite and Divine Spiritual nature  reveals itself. Life becomes more meaningful and purposeful after we uncover our Divinity  – The Divinity 161022

Just Be (in the present moment). That is the state of Divinity or Deep Meditation – The Divinity 290623

Divine Will is The Reality that has created and is managing and operating our Universe. It is managing life situations uniquely for each one of us. To live a happy and a great life, our Ego has to accept this Profound Reality, rather than giving credit to it’s own self (our Ego) for the good and useful situations that are happening to and for each one of us – adapted from Chapter 12 of the book ‘Sri Aurobindo the story of his life’ 130723

Most of the time we all are in the state of incessant intellectual/mental and physical activities as a result of our Ego’s Presence and Energy within our intellect and our body.

Spiritually is to replace this with the Divine Presence and Energy, a state of low or nil ego centrical intellectual/mental or physical activity. You will then observe and become aware of the positive changes that start to happen in your life and life situations

– The Divinity 230723

In Divine Presence, there is Stillness, devoid of any egoistic mental or physical activity, in us. The Divine Presence is extremely powerful. It is the Power and Energy that continuously runs and manages all the activities in our Universe – The Divinity 270723

The most powerful state for us is when we are in the present moment, a state of Divinity. We all were in this Divine state before our birth and we will once again be after we are released from our physical body. The weakest state is when we are in the past or the future, which is being in our Ego state. – The Divinity 230923

Let our FAITH in the Divine Forces be infinitely bigger than our Egoistic FEARS in order to live a full and complete life – The Divinity 131023

When our Intellect has infinite faith in the Divine Powers, it remains mostly in the present moment – 161023

.We are all Divine when our Intellect is in the present moment and when our Intellect accepts every present moment as complete, then we are in a state of Divinity – The Divinity 201023

Each one of us lives in a very specific and limited world of our own, created in our Intellect by our Ego. Our world is limited as our Ego has very limited knowledge and experience. We can expand our World if we can sustain Divinity within our Intellect by remaining mostly in the present moment – The Divinity 311023

As long as we have needs and wants, our Intellect is in the Ego state! When our needs and wants disappear, then our Intellect is in the Divine state – The Divinity 311023

In order to live a full and happy life, we have to train our Intellect-Ego to gracefully accept all our unique life situations created in every moment by the Divine Forces. – The Divinity 181123

In our Pure Divine State our Intellect can defang our Ego – The Divinity 301123

We are in a Divine State when our Intellect helps us smile at the noise and clutter that our Ego (Inner Child) is unnecessarily creating – The Divinity 031223

Those people are truly blessed by Divinity, who have learnt to be happy from within. They lead a more fulfilled and complete life than those who depend on others and external possessions to create happiness in their life – The Divinity 241223

Our true and complete identity is Divinity. Our incomplete identities are created by our Ego, like being a wife, husband, daughter, son, grandmother, grandfather, Engineer, friend etc.. This list is endless! – The Divinity 241223 *

Our Ego tries to pursue perfection, but it is extremely stressful to live our life to Perfection. We can experience and enjoy moments of Perfection by being in the Present Moment, which is being in the Divine State. Most of the time our Ego is living in an imperfect state. So, we have little option but to enjoy living with our mistakes and incorrect judgements. Peace and Happiness are our Divine and Perfect states, whereas fear, anxiety, worry, anger are our imperfect states. – The Divinity 020124 *

Our Ego truly does not have to ask for anything from God or Divinity, which is infinitely more powerful and knowledgeable than our Ego! If we become more aware, we realise that God or Divinity provides each one of us what we deserve and not necessarily what our Ego is asking for! – The Divinity 040224 *

Divinity takes good care of people who are grateful, calm and compassionate most of the time – The Divinity 210324 *

When our Intellect is in the present moment, we are automatically identified with the Divinity within us. When our Intellect is in the past or future, we identify ourself with the Inner Child (Ego) which develops in our childhood. Strange it may seem, but our life is mostly managed and run by our Inner Child. Whereas, we can have access to the all powerful and capable Divinity to run our life. All we have to do, is be in the present moment, be calm, relaxed and compassionate! – The Divinity 150424 *

Our life is for experiencing and flowing with the Divine Will that is happening uniquely for each one of us – The Divinity 280424 *

image  is courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Cause and Effect

ID-100240942 Cause Effect 200715We have read and been told by almost everyone including our Gurus that there is a direct relationship between every cause and its effect! This is applicable to our external Universe but for the Universe within our body, it is not absolutely true!

When we have a bad stomach, we start checking what we have eaten recently to identify the food item that has caused the bad stomach! If we have fever, we try to identify the cause which may be that we were exposed to a sick person recently, or a weather change, or a Flu virus is in our town!

Strange as it may appear, but there is an important un-detected link between Cause and Effect for our internal Universe! This link is our Belief system!!! So, if we believe that eating Onions & Garlic will give us Acid Reflux, only then eating Onions & Garlic will give us Acid Reflux! If we believe that getting wet will make us catch a cold, only when we get wet in the rain or in the shower or pool, we will catch a cold!

If the above is true then the reverse belief should also work! So, if we believe that eating Onions & Garlic will not give any problem to our digestive system, then strangely we will experience that we have no problem after eating Onions & Garlic!!! Get wet and believe it does not matter, and we will never catch a cold or become ill because of being wet!!

We should all try this out and experience it for our own self! Change our Belief  and see the change in the effect. The conventional wisdom that every cause has a direct effect will be destroyed once and for all!

Why is it that Beliefs play such a vital role?

Beliefs are our thoughts which we have accepted as the Truth and stored them in our Memory for future use! Our beliefs have a great impact on our Master Manager, our phenomenal and all powerful Subconscious Intellect! The characteristic of the Subconscious Intellect is that it is obedient and it automatically fulfills what we believe!

Back to Onions & Garlic example! Our Belief says that we will get Acid reflux if we consume any of these items. So, our obedient but powerful Subconscious Intellect ensures that chemicals are produced in our body to give us exactly what we believe, Acid Reflux!!!

Friends, we can live our live fully, in comfort as well as in our control! All we have to do is, not interfere negatively with the beautifully well co-ordinated functioning of our Subconscious Intellect! We only have to change all our negative beliefs into positive ones!

We have to believe…….

…that we are always healthy despite getting wet, virus in town, being close to sick persons etc.

…that we are always happy despite losses, damages, law suits etc.

…that we are successful in the external world despite having little or no education, coming from poor background, etc.

…that we are in harmony with the present moment, despite it appearing to be disadvantageous to us

…that we are always at peace within our own self and with our own self

It is as simple as that to live life fully, in good health, in happiness, in financial and worldly success, in harmony and in peace!!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Stress – The Killer

Most of us know that stress is very harmful to our body. It can lead to hypertension, diabetes, cancer and many other life threatening diseases.

Fire Head ID-10021571 161114It is also harmful to the Intellect as it disturbs it, preventing it from clear thinking and good decision making, resulting in actions detrimental to our own self and others too! Chronic Stress can also lead our Ego into a severe depression and sometimes force it to attempt or commit suicide, which is destruction of it’s own body!

What causes Stress?

Based on inputs form others and the external environment, our Intellect conditions and programs itself to have many desires and expectations from our own self, others as well as the environment. This conditioning or programming can be called as our ‘Ego’.

The very existence of desires and expectations causes stress in our Intellect as our Ego is afraid that the desires and expectations may not be fulfilled in the future! When desires and expectations are not fulfilled, then even more stressful situation arises within us which at times lead us into severe depression and infrequently into committing suicide.

Because of our desires and expectations our Intellect is unable to accept our own Ego as it is now. It also does not accept other people, objects and situations as they are now. This lack of acceptance causes constant stress in our Intellect disrupting its capabilities.

So, when someone says that he/she is not stressed at all, it is not true; as the very existence of desires and expectations, which is our Ego, causes stress.

Only when we are abiding in our ‘True Self’, when we are complete and free from desires and expectations, that we are totally stress free!

Obviously, to have good health we need to be stress free and that can be done by moving from our ‘Ego’ state to a state of ‘True Self’ as often as possible!

There is an intermediate state too that considerably reduces stress, which is the state of ‘Pure Awareness and Full Acceptance’ of the present moment. In this state we become aware of our desires, expectations and our stressful condition. This Awareness alone reduces the poison of the Stress automatically and so our body and Intellect can remain healthy and as fit and calm as possible!

Awareness and Acceptance can be easily done while at work or indulging in sports or any other activities throughout the day! This will help considerably in lowering our Stress levels and help us in living our life fully and peacefully!

Keeping secrets also increases our Stress levels. Ideally, it is best to be transparent, when we have nothing to hide – Gul Malani *

Destiny or Luck

Arthur Osborne in his book titled ‘The Mind of Ramana Maharishi’ states that Sri Bhagavan, in his interaction with a learned devotee, conveyed the following:

God has no purpose. He is not bound by any action. The world’s activities cannot affect Him. Take the analogy of the sun, the sun rises without desire, purpose or effort, but as soon as it rises numerous activities take place on earth, the lens placed in its rays produces fire in its focus, the lotus bud opens, water evaporates, and every living creature enters upon activity, maintains it and finally drops it. But the sun is not affected by any such activity, as it merely acts according to its nature, by fixed laws, without any purpose, and is only a witness. So it is with God.

God has no desire or purpose in His acts of creation, maintenance, destruction, withdrawal and salvation to which beings are subjected as the beings reap the fruit of their actions in accordance with His laws, the responsibility is theirs, not God’s. God is not bound by any actions.

So, the question is, is there such a thing as Destiny for us, a prefixed unchangeable programming of our life that each one of us cannot escape? It does not appear to be so.

Luck ID-10079665 141014Each one of us has the choice to think and act as we want to. However, we really do not reap what we sow as there are multitude of other powerful Forces, not in our control, at work in our Universe within each moment. So, the fruits that we receive depend not only on our effort but largely on the support we get from these Forces at work! These Forces are what we call Luck.

Strange as it may seem but a lot depends on Luck! Luck is what brings in all the necessary events and coincidences to occur for each one of us to survive, have good health as well as to succeed professionally and financially!

If a lot depends on Luck, why do we have to develop our capabilities, skills and put in our best effort?

Our experience shows that our capabilities, skills, interest and effort are definitely necessary. They are as important as a seed is for a tree to bloom and bear fruit.  Though not every seed will bloom into a tree, so we do need to plant as many seeds as we are capable of. Then with the help of all the necessary environmental situations and forces, called Luck, there will be greater chances for a few seeds to bloom!  

We can also attract Luck by remaining in the state of ‘Pure Awareness and Full Acceptance’ of the present moment. Pure Awareness will let us notice and act when opportunity knocks on our door! Lack of awareness leads to our missing many opportunities in life and this we incorrectly label as not being lucky! Full acceptance of the present moment, as it is now, keeps our Intellect calm and peaceful! This helps immensely in making the right decisions and carrying out proper actions which help build a beautiful future for us as well as others!

There will be many times when Luck does not support our activities and we fail. This is quite a natural phenomenon in everyone’s life and can be frequent too! But to see failure as a disaster and to torment our Intellect for failure is a self defeating activity and it must be avoided totally!

In every failure there is a definite and a unique experience, which is a great learning process, as well as numerous small successes from which we will always benefit for our future! Failures should really be seen as stepping stones to success and are indicative of an intelligent and aggressive Intellect and an active body that are willing to venture into uncharted territory where risks of failure are high! 

The elephant in the room when it comes to any discussion of success: (is) luck

-Scott Adams, Cartoonist of Dilbert

Nothing in my life has been intentional, it’s all accident

-R K Laxman, famous Indian Cartoonist *

Spirituality at Work

What is meant by Spirituality?

Wikipedia defines it as a process of personal transformation in accordance with religious ideals.

This definition is questionable as Spirituality has really no relationship to religious ideals, rituals or traditions. In fact, being religious takes us away from our own Spirituality.

Osho in his talks compiled as a book ‘The Silence of the Heart’ says ‘Spirituality is not a kind of scholarship. It is nothing that you can study; it is something you have to be. … It is transformation. ….You come back a totally different person, with a new vision of life, with a new understanding, with peace in the heart, with a great silence and harmony in the being.’ *

Spirituality begins with turning our focus from others and external objects to our own self! It  is a process of discovering our own True Identity, a state of ‘Just Being’ which is a state beyond our Ego! The personal transformation that is required for this discovery is totally an internal process and definitely not in accordance with the present religious teachings and ideals!

We spend almost all our life in the ‘Ego’ state. We are all the time driven, (mis)guided or tormented by our own Ego. As such, no time is available for becoming Spiritual to live a sane life!

Strangely, becoming Spiritual by discovering our True Identity is rather simple! All that is required to be done, is to be done by our own Intellect and is to be done within us! The internal process of discovery is called Meditation. Meditation, covered in a separate post in this blog, starts simply with increasing our Awareness of both the internal situations as well as the situations external to us. We have to become aware of all the actions we are doing all the time as well as be aware internally of all the thoughts that are coming and going within our Intellect. It is as simple as that!

With time and increasing purity of Awareness we get closer and closer to our True Identity. Additionally, we have to fully accept our own self as it is now, including our Ego, as well as the external situations as they are now. This results in our Intellect becoming extremely peaceful and quiet, an ideal state for our True Identity to unveil itself!

Having discovered our True Identity we need to abide (remain) in it as frequently as we can! That is being Spiritual! Other than deep sleep, it is the most powerful and regenerative state of our Intellect as well as of our body! It is a state of total completeness when desires and expectations evaporate and so action dissolves into inaction! Here inaction does not mean no action. It implies action without any selfish desires!

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However, we do need to carry out few actions daily for our sustenance and so we do need to be in the state of ‘Ego’ for some of the time to run our life and to set and achieve goals. Our suggestion for goals is that they should be extremely flexible on the time aspect as well as  be subject to revision or total change, at any time, for appropriateness based on inputs from the present moment. This will help reduce the stress within our Intellect, even when we do not achieve our goals in the specified time. Then our Intellect will  always be free, available and capable of  making good decisions as well as abiding in our True Identity as often as possible.

Spirituality at work is simply doing all our thinking and actions in a state of Pure Awareness. So, most of our waking life, we need to be Aware of what we are thinking and what we are doing; including planning flexible goals with flexible time schedule for our future!

Good living is very simple if we discover our ‘True Identity’ which is beyond our Intellect’s creation of our False Self which is our ‘Ego’. The earlier we discovery, the better it will be! Sadly, most of us die without this very essential discovery required for living a great life fully, in peace and in happiness!

Perfection in Spirituality is when our Intellect understands and experiences that it is only a vast emptiness or a complete zero –The Totality *

Religion (Spirituality) is renunciation of all that belongs to the ego. It is not really renunciation of the world: it is renunciation of the world that the ego creates. …… Religion (Spirituality) is renunciation of the false, that really does not exist at all — of the ego, of knowledge, of prejudices, of expectations, of desires. – Osho, in his talks compiled in the book ‘The Silence of the Heart’

Being Spiritual means that we are now aware that the limitations and barriers set up by our Ego and body as well as our Ego and Body are really illusions! –The Totality *                170717

Speeches , lectures and activities addressed to large group of people or masses under the guise of transfer of Spirituality are no more than just entertainment with listeners and  doers feeling good while attending and then returning back to their original state of lack of spiritual evolution. Spirituality is a process of self evolution and not a process of mass evolution. Introspection and deep meditation are doors that lead to Spirituality- The Totality  120118

Existence, Divinity or Spirituality does not follow human (egoistic) logic or reasoning – The Totality 180419

Spiritual health is when we appreciate that our life situations do not change as per our Ego’s needs, wants or expectations. They change as per the Enormously Powerful Divine Will prevailing in our Universe. Our tiny Ego really has no option but to unconditionally accept the Divine Will’s decisions and actions to live a happy and a fulfilled life – The Divinity 050522 *

When our thoughts and actions emanate form Divinity (Stillness or Emptiness), and not from our Ego, then we are being Spiritual – The Divinity 090723 *


Ego Vs True Identity

Woman Meditating

Red Devil  





-is a self acquired or imposed Identity    -is inherent within us and we are born with it, it is the Essence of our Universe
-is confined to our physical body is unlimited and extends beyond our physical body
-keeps us confined and imprisoned -gives us total freedom
-has many limitations of acquired knowledge, experience & skills -is Infinite and Zero at the same time 
-is incomplete so it is always seeking something from others and the outside world in the future  -is complete now;  without any wants or expectations
-gets affected by the happenings in the  external world  -unaffected by happenings in the external world
-is restless and overworked -is peaceful and quiet exuding love &  happiness
-remains mostly in the Past or the Future, generally unaware of present moment, accumulating pain from the past and fearing the future -exists only in the Present Moment so it has a high degree of Awareness of the present moment
-is always in disharmony with the present moment situation -always in perfect harmony with the present moment situation
-connects with only selected few people and situations -always connected with the whole humanity and the Universe
-experiences all emotions including love, happiness, joy, sadness and others -is only peace
-is the Devil or Destroyer within us -is God within us; is the fountainhead of Divine Wisdom & Creativity


The necessary Unlearning process


Life is seen as a process of learning, acquiring knowledge and skills to be successful in the worldly ways. It is equally important for all of us to unlearn some aspects that we have learnt that prevent us from living our life peacefully, happily and fully as well! The earlier we start this unlearning process the more meaningful and enjoyable our life will become!

So, what are these aspects that have to be un-learnt soonest and replaced by what ?

we are incomplete and we always need help from others, God and the environment has to be replaced by knowing and feeling that we are complete within our own self and we want absolutely nothing from the external world to live a good life

frequently worrying about our past and being in constant fear of our future has to be replaced by living in the present moment

If we try and replace the above aspects by changing or controlling our existing thoughts and actions, we may not succeed as we will be working on the conscious activity only. The subconscious will remain unchanged and this will give rise to the existing thoughts and actions from time to time. Instead, the successful way is to become AWARE when such thoughts and actions arise and let them be. They will disappear slowly but surely and over a period of time, stop reappearing completely.

Understanding our own self including our Ego and meditating in the proper way will then help in bringing in and cement the reality of being totally complete and allow us to live in the present moment fully!

This is the pinnacle of greatness making our life fully worth living!

Life – A Sailboat

ID-100176802People who have been sailing in Sailboats can appreciate the fact that the best sailing is done when we are able to fully capture the force of the wind (Nature) in the sails of the boat as well as the force of the flow of water (tidal forces if we are sailing in the sea)! The rudder has to be used to steer the boat in such a way that the natural force of the wind and the effect of the water flow  are fully captured to give the best speed to direct our boat to the destination!

Similarly in life too, we have to understand and capture the changing ‘Forces of the Universe’ that are present at all times around us. We have to use our Pure Intellect, like the rudder of the boat, to keep steering us into directions which help us capture the ‘Forces of the Universe’ most of the time for the benefit of all in the boat! Such a strategy of living life keeps our stress level low, with fear, anxiety, worry, anger at a very low level too! This enables strong, healthy and happy living which results in worldly success as well!

Just like the sailboat comes to a standstill when the wind dies down and flow of water stops, so also in life there will be times when we are not doing much but are on standby so that we can move into action as soon as the forces of the Universe through the present moment situation help us to do or achieve something!

In sailing, the shortest distance between where we are and the destination is never a straight line; as the crow flies! We have to zig zag our way to our destination! Similarly in life, we will also find that at many times we are veering away from our goal due to the Forces of the Universe that are present. Then we have two options. To force our way and stick to our original destination or revise the destination to a new one which may be easier to reach and intended for us by the Forces of the Universe.

A good example is that of the ex-President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who was intent on becoming an Aircraft Pilot. Forces of the Universe did not help him in achieving this goal. Instead they helped him become the President of India!

ID-100189390Most people are not living life as a sailboat. Life is more like a motorboat with super strong and powerful engines on board. Our Ego, is the strong engine that speeds us through life in a specific preplanned way regardless of what the present situation or environment requires. This way of living is full of stress, fear, anxiety, worry, anger and other related emotions. This can lead to a deteriorating condition of our body and Ego! Such living is generally manageable when we are young but we need to review this, if it is causing problems to our own self, our health, our family and friends.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but can adjust my sails to always reach my destination – Anonymous

Life implies living in stormy weather most of the time with short intervals of good weather! The skill we need to develop within our Intellect, is to be able steer and keep our boat steady in stormy weather too. This requires detection of the deep peace within us, by introspection, understanding and meditation.- The Totality  171117